Shamanic Yoga is closely linked to Tibetan Buddhism and we can date its origins in Tibet by a pre Buddist Tradition , so before 1000 AD.

The masters of reference are the mystics Tilopa ,Naropa, Milarepa... and from my point of view also Machig Labdrön, the great yoguini “Mother of all Buddhas” . The tradition says that they were in direct communication with the Gods. Shamanic yoga teachings and practices are so ancient that they are common to early Sufism and Mongolian Turkish Tengrism.

The Flaming Rainbow Family

The lineage of which I am part came to me through the teachings of the yogi and former Buddhist monk Selene Calloni Williams, who is at the moment the deepest expert of shamanic yoga in Europe. She was initiated by Maja Siddhi Michael Williams more than 40 years ago. I was therefore initiated to the Shamanic Yoga Spiritual Family of the Flaming Rainbow.

The roots of Shamanic Yoga Practice

What we do in a Shamanic Yoga Session

"The body is where visible and invisible meet"Mahasiddhi Michael WIlliams

In every shamanic yoga lesson we explore, in our body, the encounter between visible and invisible. Through movement and breathing we increase the energy available in the body to reestablish our link with beauty in our relationship with Life.

At the same time, movement and breathing lead us to experience our intimate connection with Nature, gradually making us more capable of entering transformative meditative states and expanded states of consciousness. These practices cultivate in us a free and creative mind: the mind that Sri Aurobindo defined as "overmind", a poetic mind capable of understanding reality through love.

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